1970 was the most prolific year for Fassbinder, he made six features of different style, genre and theme, and Beware of a Holy Whore was the director's personal favourite. Despite its title the film has absolute nothing to do with prostitution. With the director and equipment missing, a group of actors and crew can do nothing but to wait aimlessly inside a posh Spanish hotel. The director finally appears, but he is soon entangled with the trouble makers on the set and pressure from his financers; not before long, the actors are starting to get riotous…A black comedy and a satire of the movie set being "hell", a self-mockery on the perils of being a director. An important work where Fassbinder was making a transition from his early Brechtian style to more conventional narrative.
Source: 世界電影經典回顧 2006 節目二 - 德國電影新浪潮